Posted in Python onSeptember 22, 2020
本代码包括ip的爬取,检测是否可用,可用保存,通过函数get_proxies可以获得ip,如:{'HTTPS': ''}
import requests from lxml import etree from requests.packages import urllib3 import random, time urllib3.disable_warnings() def spider(pages, max_change_porxies_times=300): """ 抓取 的 http类型-代理ip-和端口号 将所有抓取的ip存入 raw_ips.csv 待处理, 可用 check_proxies() 检查爬取到的代理ip是否可用 ----- :param pages:要抓取多少页 :return:无返回 """ s = requests.session() s.trust_env = False s.verify = False urls =com/nn/{}' proxies = {} try_times = 0 for i in range(pages): url = urls.format(i + 1) s.headers = { 'Accept': 'text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,image/webp,image/apng,*/*;q=0.8', 'Accept-Encoding': 'gzip, deflate, br', 'Accept-Language': 'zh-CN,zh;q=0.9', 'Connection': 'keep-alive', 'Referer': urls.format(i if i > 0 else ''), 'User-Agent': 'Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/68.0.3440.75 Safari/537.36'} while True: content = s.get(url, headers=s.headers, proxies=proxies) time.sleep(random.uniform(1.5, 4)) # 每读取一次页面暂停一会,否则会被封 if content.status_code == 503: # 如果503则ip被封,就更换ip proxies = get_proxies() try_times += 1 print(f'第{str(try_times):0>3s}次变更,当前{proxies}') if try_times > max_change_porxies_times: print('超过最大尝试次数,连接失败!') return -1 continue else: break # 如果返回码是200 ,就跳出while循环,对爬取的页面进行处理 print(f'正在抓取第{i+1}页数据,共{pages}页') for j in range(2, 102): # 用简单的xpath提取http,host和port tree = etree.HTML(content.text) http = tree.xpath(f'//table[@id="ip_list"]/tr[{j}]/td[6]/text()')[0] host = tree.xpath(f'//table[@id="ip_list"]/tr[{j}]/td[2]/text()')[0] port = tree.xpath(f'//table[@id="ip_list"]/tr[{j}]/td[3]/text()')[0] check_proxies(http, host, port) # 检查提取的代理ip是否可用 def check_proxies(http, host, port, test_url=''): """ 检测给定的ip信息是否可用 根据http,host,port组成proxies,对test_url进行连接测试,如果通过,则保存在 ips_pool.csv 中 :param http: 传输协议类型 :param host: 主机 :param port: 端口号 :param test_url: 测试ip :return: None """ proxies = {http: host + ':' + port} try: res = requests.get(test_url, proxies=proxies, timeout=2) if res.status_code == 200: print(f'{proxies}检测通过') with open('ips_pool.csv', 'a+') as f: f.write(','.join([http, host, port]) + '\n') except Exception as e: # 检测不通过,就不保存,别让报错打断程序 print(e) def check_local_ip(fn, test_url): """ 检查存放在本地ip池的代理ip是否可用 通过读取fn内容,加载每一条ip对test_url进行连接测试,链接成功则储存在 ips_pool.csv 文件中 :param fn: filename,储存代理ip的文件名 :param test_url: 要进行测试的ip :return: None """ with open(fn, 'r') as f: datas = f.readlines() ip_pools = [] for data in datas: # time.sleep(1) ip_msg = data.strip().split(',') http = ip_msg[0] host = ip_msg[1] port = ip_msg[2] proxies = {http: host + ':' + port} try: res = requests.get(test_url, proxies=proxies, timeout=2) if res.status_code == 200: ip_pools.append(data) print(f'{proxies}检测通过') with open('ips_pool.csv', 'a+') as f: f.write(','.join([http, host, port]) + '\n') except Exception as e: print(e) continue def get_proxies(ip_pool_name='ips_pool.csv'): """ 从ip池获得一个随机的代理ip :param ip_pool_name: str,存放ip池的文件名, :return: 返回一个proxies字典,形如:{'HTTPS': ''} """ with open(ip_pool_name, 'r') as f: datas = f.readlines() ran_num = random.choice(datas) ip = ran_num.strip().split(',') proxies = {ip[0]: ip[1] + ':' + ip[2]} return proxies if __name__ == '__main__': t1 = time.time() spider(pages=3400) t2 = time.time() print('抓取完毕,时间:', t2 - t1) # check_local_ip('raw_ips.csv','')
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