Posted in Javascript onJuly 03, 2012
Ext.applyIf(Array.prototype, { /** * Checks whether or not the specified object exists in the array. * @param {Object} o The object to check for * @param {Number} from (Optional) The index at which to begin the search * @return {Number} The index of o in the array (or -1 if it is not found) */ indexOf : function(o, from){ var len = this.length; from = from || 0; from += (from < 0) ? len : 0; for (; from < len; ++from){ if(this[from] === o){ return from; } }); return -1; }
由于线性查找效率是 O(n) ,所以,在数据量稍大的时候,需要寻找替代 Array 的办法。有很多文章说过关于 Array 的这个问题,包括《权威指南》,办法是模拟一个 Hash 表。
var hostsIP = []; Ext.each(_this.hosts,function(item){ hostsIP.push(item.ip); }); Ext.each(txtHostsIP,function(ip){ if(hostsIP.indexOf(ip)===-1){//问题代码 var host = { isAppend : true,//新增的主机 isAgentOk : false, ip : ip }; _this.hosts.push( Ext.apply(host,_this.MAPPING_FIELDS) ); isAppend = true; }else{ errors.push('IP['+ip+']已存在'); } });
var hostsIP = {}; Ext.each(_this.hosts,function(item){ hostsIP[item.ip]=item.ip; }); Ext.each(txtHostsIP,function(ip){ if(!hostsIP.hasOwnProperty(ip)){ var host = { isAppend : true,//新增的主机 isAgentOk : false, ip : ip }; _this.hosts.push( Ext.apply(host,_this.MAPPING_FIELDS) ); isAppend = true; }else{ errors.push('IP['+ip+']已存在'); } });
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