Posted in Python onJanuary 16, 2014
#! /usr/bin/env python #coding=utf-8 from __future__ import unicode_literals from multiprocessing.dummy import Pool as ThreadPool import threading import os import sys import cPickle from collections import namedtuple import urllib2 from urlparse import urlsplit import time # global lock lock = threading.Lock() # default parameters defaults = dict(thread_count=10, buffer_size=10*1024, block_size=1000*1024) def progress(percent, width=50): print "%s %d%%\r" % (('%%-%ds' % width) % (width * percent / 100 * '='), percent), if percent >= 100: print sys.stdout.flush() def write_data(filepath, data): with open(filepath, 'wb') as output: cPickle.dump(data, output) def read_data(filepath): with open(filepath, 'rb') as output: return cPickle.load(output) FileInfo = namedtuple('FileInfo', 'url name size lastmodified') def get_file_info(url): class HeadRequest(urllib2.Request): def get_method(self): return "HEAD" res = urllib2.urlopen(HeadRequest(url)) headers = dict(res.headers) size = int(headers.get('content-length', 0)) lastmodified = headers.get('last-modified', '') name = None if headers.has_key('content-disposition'): name = headers['content-disposition'].split('filename=')[1] if name[0] == '"' or name[0] == "'": name = name[1:-1] else: name = os.path.basename(urlsplit(url)[2]) return FileInfo(url, name, size, lastmodified) def download(url, output, thread_count = defaults['thread_count'], buffer_size = defaults['buffer_size'], block_size = defaults['block_size']): # get latest file info file_info = get_file_info(url) # init path if output is None: output = workpath = '' % output infopath = '%s.inf' % output # split file to blocks. every block is a array [start, offset, end], # then each greenlet download filepart according to a block, and # update the block' offset. blocks = [] if os.path.exists(infopath): # load blocks _x, blocks = read_data(infopath) if (_x.url != url or != or _x.lastmodified != file_info.lastmodified): blocks = [] if len(blocks) == 0: # set blocks if block_size > file_info.size: blocks = [[0, 0, file_info.size]] else: block_count, remain = divmod(file_info.size, block_size) blocks = [[i*block_size, i*block_size, (i+1)*block_size-1] for i in range(block_count)] blocks[-1][-1] += remain # create new blank workpath with open(workpath, 'wb') as fobj: fobj.write('') print 'Downloading %s' % url # start monitor threading.Thread(target=_monitor, args=(infopath, file_info, blocks)).start() # start downloading with open(workpath, 'rb+') as fobj: args = [(url, blocks[i], fobj, buffer_size) for i in range(len(blocks)) if blocks[i][1] < blocks[i][2]] if thread_count > len(args): thread_count = len(args) pool = ThreadPool(thread_count), args) pool.close() pool.join() # rename workpath to output if os.path.exists(output): os.remove(output) os.rename(workpath, output) # delete infopath if os.path.exists(infopath): os.remove(infopath) assert all([block[1]>=block[2] for block in blocks]) is True def _worker((url, block, fobj, buffer_size)): req = urllib2.Request(url) req.headers['Range'] = 'bytes=%s-%s' % (block[1], block[2]) res = urllib2.urlopen(req) while 1: chunk = if not chunk: break with lock:[1]) fobj.write(chunk) block[1] += len(chunk) def _monitor(infopath, file_info, blocks): while 1: with lock: percent = sum([block[1] - block[0] for block in blocks]) * 100 / file_info.size progress(percent) if percent >= 100: break write_data(infopath, (file_info, blocks)) time.sleep(2) if __name__ == '__main__': import argparse parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Download file by multi-threads.') parser.add_argument('url', type=str, help='url of the download file') parser.add_argument('-o', type=str, default=None, dest="output", help='output file') parser.add_argument('-t', type=int, default=defaults['thread_count'], dest="thread_count", help='thread counts to downloading') parser.add_argument('-b', type=int, default=defaults['buffer_size'], dest="buffer_size", help='buffer size') parser.add_argument('-s', type=int, default=defaults['block_size'], dest="block_size", help='block size') argv = sys.argv[1:] if len(argv) == 0: argv = [''] args = parser.parse_args(argv) start_time = time.time() download(args.url, args.output, args.thread_count, args.buffer_size, args.block_size) print 'times: %ds' % int(time.time()-start_time)
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