Posted in Python onDecember 18, 2020
# 简单的端口扫描工具 # 作者: Charles # 公众号: Charles的皮卡丘 import time import socket import threading # 判断是否为正确的IP地址。 def isIP(ip): ip_addr = ip.split('.') if len(ip_addr) != 4: return False for ipnum in ip_addr: if not (0 <= int(ipnum) < 255): return False else: return True # 端口扫描工具 class scanThread(threading.Thread): def __init__(self, ip, port_min=0, port_max=65535): # 初始化。 threading.Thread.__init__(self) self.port_max = port_max self.port_min = port_min self.ip = ip # assert isinstance(int,self.port_min) and isinstance(int,self.port_max) # 重写run def run(self): return self.__checker() # 检测 def __checker(self): for port in range(self.port_min,self.port_max): self.__connect(port) # 连接 def __connect(self,port): socket.setdefaulttimeout(1) self.sock = socket.socket() try: start_time = time.time() self.sock.connect((self.ip,port)) end_time = time.time() connect_time = int(start_time - end_time) info = 'Find --> [IP]: %s, [PORT]: %s, [Connect Time]: %d' % (self.ip, port, connect_time) print(info) self.__save(info) self.sock.close() except: # print('出错误了') self.sock.close() def __save(self,info): try: with open('results.txt', 'a') as f: f.write(info + '\n') except: print('写文件出现了问题') time.sleep(0.1) if __name__ == '__main__': # 输入IP地址。 ip = input('Input IP(example <>):\n') print(isIP(ip)) while not isIP(ip): ip = input('请输入正确的IP地址:\n') # 输入最小端口、 port_min = input('需要扫描的最小端口为:') while not (0 <= int(port_min) < 65535): port_min = input('请输入正确的需要扫描的最小端口:') port_max = input('需要扫描的最大端口为(65535):') while not (0 <= int(port_min) < int(port_max) < 65535): port_min = input('请输入正确的需要扫描的最大端口(65535):') num = 8 port_max = int(port_max) port_min = int(port_min) interval = (port_max - port_min) // num for i in range(interval): scanThread(ip, i * num, (i + 1) * num).start()
以上就是python 实现端口扫描工具的详细内容,更多关于python 端口扫描工具的资料请关注三水点靠木其它相关文章!
python 实现端口扫描工具
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