Posted in Javascript onMarch 10, 2020
<template> <div class="home"> </div> </template> <script> // @ is an alias to /src import HelloWorld from '@/components/HelloWorld.vue' import axios from 'axios'; export default { name: 'home', components: { HelloWorld }, created(){ axios.get('/api/userinfo').then(res=>console.log( } } </script>
<template> <div class="about"> <h1>This is an about page</h1> </div> </template>
<template> <div> <div class="logo"> <img src="" alt> </div> <!-- <cube-button>登录</cube-button> --> <cube-form :model="model" :schema="schema" @submit.prevent="handleLogin" @validate="handleValidate" ></cube-form> </div> </template> <script> export default { data() { return { model: { username: "", password: "" }, schema: { fields: [ { type: "input", modelKey: "username", label: "用户名", props: { placeholder: "请输入用户名" }, rules: { required: true }, trigger: "blur" }, { type: "input", modelKey: "password", label: "密码", props: { placeholder: "请输入密码", type: "password", eye: { open: true } }, rules: { required: true }, trigger: "blur" }, { type: "submit", label: "登录" } ] } }; }, methods: { handleValidate(ret) { console.log(ret); }, handleLogin(e) { // 登录请求 this.$store.dispatch("login", this.model).then(success => { if (success) { const path = this.$route.query.redirect || '/' this.$router.push(path) } }).catch(error => { const toast = this.$createToast({ time:2000, txt:'登录失败', type:'error' }).show(); }); } } }; </script> <style scoped> </style>
import axios from "axios"; export default { login(user) { return axios.get("/api/login", { params: user }) .then(({ data }) => data); } };
<template> <div id="app"> <div id="nav"> <router-link to="/">Home</router-link> | <router-link to="/about">About</router-link> <button v-if="$store.state.user.isLogin" @click="logout">注销</button> </div> <router-view/> </div> </template> <script> export default { methods: { logout() { this.$store.dispatch('logout') } }, } </script> <style> #app { font-family: "Avenir", Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif; -webkit-font-smoothing: antialiased; -moz-osx-font-smoothing: grayscale; text-align: center; color: #2c3e50; } </style>
cube-ui组件的引用 cube-ui.js
import Vue from 'vue' // By default we import all the components. // Only reserve the components on demand and remove the rest. // Style is always required. import { /* eslint-disable no-unused-vars */ Style, // basic Button, Loading, Tip, Toolbar, TabBar, TabPanels, // form Checkbox, CheckboxGroup, Checker, Radio, RadioGroup, Input, Textarea, Select, Switch, Rate, Validator, Upload, Form, // popup Popup, Toast, Picker, CascadePicker, DatePicker, TimePicker, SegmentPicker, Dialog, ActionSheet, Drawer, ImagePreview, // scroll Scroll, Slide, IndexList, Swipe, Sticky, ScrollNav, ScrollNavBar } from 'cube-ui' Vue.use(Button) Vue.use(Loading) Vue.use(Tip) Vue.use(Toolbar) Vue.use(TabBar) Vue.use(TabPanels) Vue.use(Checkbox) Vue.use(CheckboxGroup) Vue.use(Checker) Vue.use(Radio) Vue.use(RadioGroup) Vue.use(Input) Vue.use(Textarea) Vue.use(Select) Vue.use(Switch) Vue.use(Rate) Vue.use(Validator) Vue.use(Upload) Vue.use(Form) Vue.use(Popup) Vue.use(Toast) Vue.use(Picker) Vue.use(CascadePicker) Vue.use(DatePicker) Vue.use(TimePicker) Vue.use(SegmentPicker) Vue.use(Dialog) Vue.use(ActionSheet) Vue.use(Drawer) Vue.use(ImagePreview) Vue.use(Scroll) Vue.use(Slide) Vue.use(IndexList) Vue.use(Swipe) Vue.use(Sticky) Vue.use(ScrollNav) Vue.use(ScrollNavBar)
cube-ui的样式 theme.styl
@require "~cube-ui/src/common/stylus/var/color.styl" // action-sheet $action-sheet-color := $color-grey $action-sheet-active-color := $color-orange $action-sheet-bgc := $color-white $action-sheet-active-bgc := $color-light-grey-opacity $action-sheet-title-color := $color-dark-grey $action-sheet-space-bgc := $color-mask-bg /// picker style $action-sheet-picker-cancel-color := $color-light-grey $action-sheet-picker-cancel-active-color := $color-light-grey-s // bubble // button $btn-color := $color-white $btn-bgc := $color-regular-blue $btn-bdc := $color-regular-blue $btn-active-bgc := $color-blue $btn-active-bdc := $color-blue $btn-disabled-color := $color-white $btn-disabled-bgc := $color-light-grey-s $btn-disabled-bdc := $color-light-grey-s /// primary $btn-primary-color := $color-white $btn-primary-bgc := $color-orange $btn-primary-bdc := $color-orange $btn-primary-active-bgc := $color-dark-orange $btn-primary-active-bdc := $color-dark-orange /// light $btn-light-color := $color-grey $btn-light-bgc := $color-light-grey-sss $btn-light-bdc := $color-light-grey-sss $btn-light-active-bgc := $color-active-grey $btn-light-active-bdc := $color-active-grey /// outline $btn-outline-color := $color-grey $btn-outline-bgc := transparent $btn-outline-bdc := $color-grey $btn-outline-active-bgc := $color-grey-opacity $btn-outline-active-bdc := $color-grey /// outline-primary $btn-outline-primary-color := $color-orange $btn-outline-primary-bgc := transparent $btn-outline-primary-bdc := $color-orange $btn-outline-primary-active-bgc := $color-orange-opacity $btn-outline-primary-active-bdc := $color-dark-orange // toolbar $toolbar-bgc := $color-light-grey-sss $toolbar-active-bgc := $color-active-grey // checkbox $checkbox-color := $color-grey $checkbox-icon-color := $color-light-grey-s /// checked $checkbox-checked-icon-color := $color-orange $checkbox-checked-icon-bgc := $color-white /// disabled $checkbox-disabled-icon-color := $color-light-grey-ss $checkbox-disabled-icon-bgc := $color-light-grey-ss // checkbox hollow $checkbox-hollow-checked-icon-color := $color-orange $checkbox-hollow-disabled-icon-color := $color-light-grey-ss // checkbox-group $checkbox-group-bgc := $color-white $checkbox-group-horizontal-bdc := $color-light-grey-s // radio $radio-group-bgc := $color-white $radio-group-horizontal-bdc := $color-light-grey-s $radio-color := $color-grey $radio-icon-color := $color-light-grey-s /// selected $radio-selected-icon-color := $color-white $radio-selected-icon-bgc := $color-orange /// disabled $radio-disabled-icon-bgc := $color-light-grey-ss // radio hollow $radio-hollow-selected-icon-color := $color-orange $radio-hollow-disabled-icon-color := $color-light-grey-ss // dialog $dialog-color := $color-grey $dialog-bgc := $color-white $dialog-icon-color := $color-regular-blue $dialog-icon-bgc := $color-background $dialog-title-color := $color-dark-grey $dialog-close-color := $color-light-grey $dialog-btn-color := $color-light-grey $dialog-btn-bgc := $color-white $dialog-btn-active-bgc := $color-light-grey-opacity $dialog-btn-highlight-color := $color-orange $dialog-btn-highlight-active-bgc := $color-light-orange-opacity $dialog-btn-disabled-color := $color-light-grey $dialog-btn-disabled-active-bgc := transparent $dialog-btns-split-color := $color-row-line // index-list $index-list-bgc := $color-white $index-list-title-color := $color-dark-grey $index-list-anchor-color := $color-light-grey $index-list-anchor-bgc := #f7f7f7 $index-list-item-color := $color-dark-grey $index-list-item-active-bgc := $color-light-grey-opacity $index-list-nav-color := $color-grey $index-list-nav-active-color := $color-orange // loading // picker $picker-bgc := $color-white $picker-title-color := $color-dark-grey $picker-subtitle-color := $color-light-grey $picker-confirm-btn-color := $color-orange $picker-confirm-btn-active-color := $color-light-orange $picker-cancel-btn-color := $color-light-grey $picker-cancel-btn-active-color := $color-light-grey-s $picker-item-color := $color-dark-grey // popup $popup-mask-bgc := rgb(37, 38, 45) $popup-mask-opacity := .4 //scroll // slide $slide-dot-bgc := $color-light-grey-s $slide-dot-active-bgc := $color-orange // time-picker // tip $tip-color := $color-white $tip-bgc := $color-dark-grey-opacity // toast $toast-color := $color-light-grey-s $toast-bgc := rgba(37, 38, 45, 0.9) // upload $upload-btn-color := $color-grey $upload-btn-bgc := $color-white $upload-btn-active-bgc := $color-light-grey-opacity $upload-btn-box-shadow := 0 0 6px 2px $color-grey-opacity $upload-btn-border-color := #e5e5e5 $upload-file-bgc := $color-white $upload-file-remove-color := rgba(0, 0, 0, .8) $upload-file-remove-bgc := $color-white $upload-file-state-bgc := $color-mask-bg $upload-file-success-color := $color-orange $upload-file-error-color := #f43530 $upload-file-status-bgc := $color-white $upload-file-progress-color := $color-white // switch $switch-on-bgc := $color-orange $switch-off-bgc := $color-white $switch-off-border-color := #e4e4e4 // input $input-color := $color-grey $input-bgc := $color-white $input-border-color := $color-row-line $input-focus-border-color := $color-orange $input-placeholder-color := $color-light-grey-s $input-clear-icon-color := $color-light-grey //textarea $textarea-color := $color-grey $textarea-bgc := $color-white $textarea-border-color := $color-row-line $textarea-focus-border-color := $color-orange $textarea-outline-color := $color-orange $textarea-placeholder-color := $color-light-grey-s $textarea-indicator-color := $color-light-grey-s // validator $validator-msg-def-color := #e64340 // select $select-color := $color-grey $select-bgc := $color-white $select-disabled-color := #b8b8b8 $select-disabled-bgc := $color-light-grey-opacity $select-border-color := $color-light-grey-s $select-border-active-color := $color-orange $select-icon-color := $color-light-grey $select-placeholder-color := $color-light-grey-s // swipe $swipe-btn-color := $color-white // form $form-color := $color-grey $form-bgc := $color-white $form-invalid-color := #e64340 $form-group-legend-color := $color-light-grey $form-group-legend-bgc := $color-background $form-label-required-color := #e64340 // drawer $drawer-color := $color-dark-grey $drawer-title-bdc := $color-light-grey-ss $drawer-title-bgc := $color-white $drawer-panel-bgc := $color-white $drawer-item-active-bgc := $color-light-grey-opacity // scroll-nav $scroll-nav-bgc := $color-white $scroll-nav-color := $color-grey $scroll-nav-active-color := $color-orange // image-preview $image-preview-counter-color := $color-white // tab-bar & tab-panel $tab-color := $color-grey $tab-active-color := $color-dark-orange $tab-slider-bgc := $color-dark-orange
axios 请求响应拦截器 interceptor.js
import axios from "axios"; export default function(vm) { axios.interceptors.request.use(config => { const token = localStorage.getItem("token"); if (token) { config.headers.Authorization = "Bearer " + token; } return config; }); axios.interceptors.response.use(null, err => { if (err.response.status === 401) { // 清空 vm.$store.dispatch("logout"); // 跳转 vm.$router.push("/login"); } return Promise.reject(err); }); }
路由守卫 路由 router.js
import Vue from "vue"; import Router from "vue-router"; import Home from "./views/Home.vue"; import Login from "./views/Login.vue"; Vue.use(Router); const router = new Router({ mode: "history", base: process.env.BASE_URL, routes: [ { path: "/", name: "home", component: Home }, { path: "/login", name: "login", component: Login }, { path: "/about", name: "about", meta: { auth: true }, // route level code-splitting // this generates a separate chunk (about.[hash].js) for this route // which is lazy-loaded when the route is visited. component: () => import(/* webpackChunkName: "about" */ "./views/About.vue") } ] }); router.beforeEach((to, from, next) => { if (to.meta.auth) { // 只要本地有token就认为登录了 const token = localStorage.getItem("token"); if (token) { next(); } else { // 未登录 next({ path: "/login", query: { redirect: to.path } }); } } else { next(); } }); export default router;
mock数据 或mock-easy vue.config.js
module.exports = { css: { loaderOptions: { stylus: { "resolve url": true, import: ["./src/theme"] } } }, pluginOptions: { "cube-ui": { postCompile: true, theme: false } }, configureWebpack: { devServer: { proxy: { "/api": { target: "", changOrigin: true } }, // before(app) { // app.get("/api/login", (req, res) => { // const { username, password } = req.query; // if (username === "kaikeba" && password === "123") { // res.json({ code: 1, token: "jilei" }); // } else { // res.status(401).json({ code: 0, message: "用户名或密码错误" }); // } // }); // 中间件函数 // function auth(req, res, next) { // if (req.headers.token) { // next(); // } else { // res.status(401); 如果设置这个 只是设置状态,并没有返回前端,会导致前端等待状态 res.sendStatus(401) 这个正确的 // } // } // app.get("/api/userinfo", auth, (req, res) => { // res.json({ code: 1, data: { name: "Jerry" } }); // }); // } } } };
import user from './user' Vue.use(Vuex) export default new Vuex.Store({ modules: {user} })
import us from '@/service/user' export default { state: { isLogin: !!localStorage.getItem("token") }, mutations: { setLoginState(state, val) { state.isLogin = val; } }, actions: { login({commit}, userInfo) { return us.login(userInfo).then(({token}) => { // code, token if (token) { // 登录成功 commit('setLoginState', true) localStorage.setItem('token', token) return true } return false }) }, logout({commit}){ localStorage.removeItem('token') commit('setLoginState', false) } } }
.DS_Store node_modules /dist # local env files .env.local .env.*.local # Log files npm-debug.log* yarn-debug.log* yarn-error.log* # Editor directories and files .idea .vscode *.suo *.ntvs* *.njsproj *.sln *.sw*
import Vue from 'vue' import './cube-ui' import App from './App.vue' import store from './store' import router from './router' import interceptor from './interceptor' Vue.config.productionTip = false const app = new Vue({ store, router, render: h => h(App) }).$mount('#app'); interceptor(app);
Bearer Token规范
Authorization: Bearer <token>
Json Web Token规范
规定:令牌由三部分构成 “头”,“载荷”,“签名”
签名:根据头 和载荷及秘钥加密得到的哈希串Hmac Sha1 256
const Koa = require("koa"); const Router = require("koa-router"); const jwt = require("jsonwebtoken"); const jwtAuth = require("koa-jwt"); const secret = "it's a secret"; const app = new Koa(); const router = new Router(); router.get("/api/login", async ctx => { const { username, passwd } = ctx.query; console.log(username, passwd); if (username == "kaikeba" && passwd == "123") { // 生成令牌 const token = jwt.sign( { data: { name: "kaikeba" }, // 用户信息数据 exp: Math.floor( / 1000) + 60 * 60 // 过期时}, secret ); ctx.body = { code: 1, token }; } else { ctx.status = 401; ctx.body = { code: 0, message: "用户名或者密码错误" }; } }); router.get( "/api/userinfo", jwtAuth({ secret }), async ctx => { ctx.body = { code: 1, data: { name: "jerry", age: 20 } }; } ); app.use(router.routes()); app.listen(3000);
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