Posted in Python onMarch 30, 2020
#本游戏python3.4.0下编写调试,只能在windows下运行。 import random import subprocess import time #定义函数 def draw_board(the_board):"cls", shell = True) print(' -------\n' + ' |' + the_board[9] + '|' + the_board[8] + '|' + the_board[7] + '|\n' + ' -------\n' + ' |' + the_board[6] + '|' + the_board[5] + '|' + the_board[4] + '|\n' + ' -------\n' + ' |' + the_board[3] + '|' + the_board[2] + '|' + the_board[1] + '|\n' + ' -------') def input_player_letter(): letter = ' ' while not (letter == 'X' or letter == 'O'): print('请选择X或O作棋子:', end = '') letter = input().upper() if letter == 'X': return ['X', 'O'] else: return ['O', 'X'] def who_first(): if 1 == random.randint(1, 2): return 'computer' else: return 'player' def is_again(): print('再一次?(Yes or No)') return input().lower().startswith('y') def is_space_free(the_board, move): return the_board[move] == ' ' def choose_random_from_list(the_board, move_from_list): possible_moves = [] for i in move_from_list: if is_space_free(the_board, i): possible_moves.append(i) if len(possible_moves) != 0: return random.choice(possible_moves) else: return None def make_move(the_board, the_letter, the_move): the_board[the_move] = the_letter def get_board_copy(the_board): duplicated_board = [] for i in board: duplicated_board.append(i) return duplicated_board def is_board_full(the_board): for i in range(1, 9): if is_space_free(the_board, i): return False else: return True def get_player_move(the_board): the_move = 0 while the_move not in list(range(1, 9)) or not is_space_free(the_board, the_move): print('请输入走步:', end = '') the_move = int(input()) return the_move def is_winner(the_board, the_letter): return (the_board[1] == the_letter and the_board[2] == the_letter and the_board[3] == the_letter) or (the_board[4] == the_letter and the_board[5] == the_letter and the_board[6] == the_letter) or (the_board[7] == the_letter and the_board[8] == the_letter and the_board[9] == the_letter) or (the_board[1] == the_letter and the_board[5] == the_letter and the_board[9] == the_letter) or (the_board[2] == the_letter and the_board[5] == the_letter and the_board[8] == the_letter) or (the_board[3] == the_letter and the_board[5] == the_letter and the_board[7] == the_letter) or (the_board[1] == the_letter and the_board[4] == the_letter and the_board[7] == the_letter) or (the_board[2] == the_letter and the_board[5] == the_letter and the_board[8] == the_letter) or (the_board[3] == the_letter and the_board[6] == the_letter and the_board[9] == the_letter) def get_computer_move(the_board, computer_letter): global player_letter global move if player_letter == 'X': computer_letter = 'O' else: player_letter = 'O' computer_letter = 'X' #虚拟棋盘查看是否自己可一步得胜 for i in range(1,9): copy = get_board_copy(board) if is_space_free(board, i): make_move(copy, computer_letter, i) if is_winner(copy, computer_letter): return i #虚拟棋盘查看是否对手可一步得胜 for i in range(1,9): if is_space_free(board, i): copy = get_board_copy(board) make_move(copy, player_letter, i) if is_winner(copy, player_letter): return i move = choose_random_from_list(board, [1, 3, 7, 9]) if move != 0: return move if is_space_free(board, 5): return 5 return choose_random_from_list(board, [2, 4, 6, 8, 7]) print('欢迎玩 井字棋 游戏!') time.sleep(1) print('''??????????????????????????????? ??????????????????????????????? ???? ?????????????????????????? ????????????????????????????? ?????? ???????????????????????? ??????????????????????????????? ??????????????????????????????? ??????????????????????????????? ??????????? ??????????????????? ???????????? ???????? ????????? ??????????????????????????????? ?????????????? ???????????????? ??????????????? ??????????????? ???????????????? ?????????????? ??????????????????????????????? ??????????????????????????????? ??????????????????????????????? ???????????????????? ????????? ????????????????????? ????????? ??????????????????????????????? ??????????????????????????????? ??????????????????????????????? ?????????????????????????? ???? ??????????????????????????????? ???????????????????????????? ?? ????????????????????????????? ? ???????????????????????????????''') time.sleep(2)"cls", shell = True) while True: board = [' '] * 10 player_letter, computer_letter = input_player_letter() turn = who_first() print(turn + '先走') time.sleep(1) game_is_playing = True while game_is_playing: if turn == 'player': draw_board(board) move = get_player_move(board) make_move(board, player_letter, move) if is_winner(board, player_letter): draw_board(board) print('恭喜!你赢了。') game_is_playinig = False else: if is_board_full(board): draw_board(board) print('平局!') break else: turn = 'computer' else: move = get_computer_move(board, computer_letter) make_move(board, computer_letter, move) if is_winner(board, computer_letter): draw_board(board) print('电脑胜利,你挂了!') game_is_playing = False else: if is_board_full(board): draw_board(board) print('平局!') break else: turn = 'player' if not is_again(): break
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