Posted in Javascript onJanuary 12, 2012
近日在做一些OA前端界面,为了更好管理页面代码想写个js选择器,写着写着发现很费力,索性在网上找找看,功夫不负有心人, 找到一个mini css选择器,且性能不凡:以下代码是压缩后的,仅2KB。
var $=(function(){var b=/(?:[\w\-\\.#]+)+(?:\[\w+?=([\'"])?(?:\\\1|.)+?\1\])?|\*|>/ig,g=/^(?:[\w\-_]+)?\.([\w\-_]+)/,f=/^(?:[\w\-_]+)?#([\w\-_]+)/,j=/^([\w\*\-_]+)/,h=[null,null];function d(o,m){m=m||document;var k=/^[\w\-_#]+$/.test(o);if(!k&&m.querySelectorAll){return c(m.querySelectorAll(o))}if(o.indexOf(",")>-1){var v=o.split(/,/g),t=[],s=0,r=v.length;for(;s<r;++s){t=t.concat(d(v[s],m))}return e(t)}var p=o.match(b),n=p.pop(),l=(n.match(f)||h)[1],u=!l&&(n.match(g)||h)[1],w=!l&&(n.match(j)||h)[1],q;if(u&&!w&&m.getElementsByClassName){q=c(m.getElementsByClassName(u))}else{q=!l&&c(m.getElementsByTagName(w||"*"));if(u){q=i(q,"className",RegExp("(^|\\s)"+u+"(\\s|$)"))}if(l){var x=m.getElementById(l);return x?[x]:[]}}return p[0]&&q[0]?a(p,q):q}function c(o){try{return}catch(n){var l=[],m=0,k=o.length;for(;m<k;++m){l[m]=o[m]}return l}}function a(w,p,n){var q=w.pop();if(q===">"){return a(w,p,true)}var s=[],k=-1,l=(q.match(f)||h)[1],t=!l&&(q.match(g)||h)[1],v=!l&&(q.match(j)||h)[1],u=-1,m,x,o;v=v&&v.toLowerCase();while((m=p[++u])){x=m.parentNode;do{o=!v||v==="*"||v===x.nodeName.toLowerCase();o=o&&(!l||;o=o&&(!t||RegExp("(^|\\s)"+t+"(\\s|$)").test(x.className));if(n||o){break}}while((x=x.parentNode));if(o){s[++k]=m}}return w[0]&&s[0]?a(w,s):s}var e=(function(){var k=+new Date();var l=(function(){var m=1;return function(p){var o=p[k],n=m++;if(!o){p[k]=n;return true}return false}})();return function(m){var s=m.length,n=[],q=-1,o=0,p;for(;o<s;++o){p=m[o];if(l(p)){n[++q]=p}}k+=1;return n}})();function i(q,k,p){var m=-1,o,n=-1,l=[];while((o=q[++m])){if(p.test(o[k])){l[++n]=o}}return l}return d})();
/** * "mini" Selector Engine * Copyright (c) 2009 James Padolsey * ------------------------------------------------------- * Dual licensed under the MIT and GPL licenses. * - * - * ------------------------------------------------------- * Version: 0.01 (BETA) */ var mini = (function(){ var snack = /(?:[\w\-\\.#]+)+(?:\[\w+?=([\'"])?(?:\\\1|.)+?\1\])?|\*|>/ig, exprClassName = /^(?:[\w\-_]+)?\.([\w\-_]+)/, exprId = /^(?:[\w\-_]+)?#([\w\-_]+)/, exprNodeName = /^([\w\*\-_]+)/, na = [null,null]; function _find(selector, context) { /** * This is what you call via x() 这是你们所谓的经x * Starts everything off... 开始上所有的 */ context = context || document; var simple = /^[\w\-_#]+$/.test(selector); if (!simple && context.querySelectorAll) { return realArray(context.querySelectorAll(selector)); } if (selector.indexOf(',') > -1) { var split = selector.split(/,/g), ret = [], sIndex = 0, len = split.length; for(; sIndex < len; ++sIndex) { ret = ret.concat( _find(split[sIndex], context) ); } return unique(ret); } var parts = selector.match(snack), part = parts.pop(), id = (part.match(exprId) || na)[1], className = !id && (part.match(exprClassName) || na)[1], nodeName = !id && (part.match(exprNodeName) || na)[1], collection; if (className && !nodeName && context.getElementsByClassName) { collection = realArray(context.getElementsByClassName(className)); } else { collection = !id && realArray(context.getElementsByTagName(nodeName || '*')); if (className) { collection = filterByAttr(collection, 'className', RegExp('(^|\\s)' + className + '(\\s|$)')); } if (id) { var byId = context.getElementById(id); return byId?[byId]:[]; } } return parts[0] && collection[0] ? filterParents(parts, collection) : collection; } function realArray(c) { /** * Transforms a node collection into 转换一个节点收藏 * a real array 一个真正的阵列 */ try { return; } catch(e) { var ret = [], i = 0, len = c.length; for (; i < len; ++i) { ret[i] = c[i]; } return ret; } } function filterParents(selectorParts, collection, direct) { /** * This is where the magic happens. 这就是魔法发生 * Parents are stepped through (upwards) to 父母们加紧通过向上 * see if they comply with the selector. 看看他们是否符合选择器 */ var parentSelector = selectorParts.pop(); if (parentSelector === '>') { return filterParents(selectorParts, collection, true); } var ret = [], r = -1, id = (parentSelector.match(exprId) || na)[1], className = !id && (parentSelector.match(exprClassName) || na)[1], nodeName = !id && (parentSelector.match(exprNodeName) || na)[1], cIndex = -1, node, parent, matches; nodeName = nodeName && nodeName.toLowerCase(); while ( (node = collection[++cIndex]) ) { parent = node.parentNode; do { matches = !nodeName || nodeName === '*' || nodeName === parent.nodeName.toLowerCase(); matches = matches && (!id || === id); matches = matches && (!className || RegExp('(^|\\s)' + className + '(\\s|$)').test(parent.className)); if (direct || matches) { break; } } while ( (parent = parent.parentNode) ); if (matches) { ret[++r] = node; } } return selectorParts[0] && ret[0] ? filterParents(selectorParts, ret) : ret; } var unique = (function(){ var uid = +new Date(); var data = (function(){ var n = 1; return function(elem) { var cacheIndex = elem[uid], nextCacheIndex = n++; if(!cacheIndex) { elem[uid] = nextCacheIndex; return true; } return false; }; })(); return function(arr) { /** * Returns a unique array返回一个独特的阵列 */ var length = arr.length, ret = [], r = -1, i = 0, item; for (; i < length; ++i) { item = arr[i]; if (data(item)) { ret[++r] = item; } } uid += 1; return ret; }; })(); function filterByAttr(collection, attr, regex) { /** * Filters a collection by an attribute. 一个收集过滤器一个属性 */ var i = -1, node, r = -1, ret = []; while ( (node = collection[++i]) ) { if (regex.test(node[attr])) { ret[++r] = node; } } return ret; } return _find; })();
div .example body div div, p div, p, .example div p div > p div.example ul .example #title h1#title div #title > * span
js 实现css风格选择器(压缩后2KB)
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