1. Create a root directory to hold the user directories.
Configure it in config.xml.
2. Create user directories under the root directory.
If you want to specify a password, create a directory named ".xxftp",
under which create a text file named "password" containing the MD5
code of the password.
3. If you want to specify the welcome and goodbye message, write it in
xxftp.welcome and xxftp.goodbye under the root directory.
4. Configure config.xml.
The structure of your FTP server root may be like:
import socket, threading, os, sys, time import hashlib, platform, stat listen_ip = "localhost" listen_port = 21 conn_list = [] root_dir = "./home" max_connections = 500 conn_timeout = 120 class FtpConnection(threading.Thread): def __init__(self, fd): threading.Thread.__init__(self) self.fd = fd self.running = True self.setDaemon(True) self.alive_time = time.time() self.option_utf8 = False self.identified = False self.option_pasv = True self.username = "" def process(self, cmd, arg): cmd = cmd.upper(); if self.option_utf8: arg = unicode(arg, "utf8").encode(sys.getfilesystemencoding()) print "<<", cmd, arg, self.fd # Ftp Command if cmd == "BYE" or cmd == "QUIT": if os.path.exists(root_dir + "/xxftp.goodbye"): self.message(221, open(root_dir + "/xxftp.goodbye").read()) else: self.message(221, "Bye!") self.running = False return elif cmd == "USER": # Set Anonymous User if arg == "": arg = "anonymous" for c in arg: if not c.isalpha() and not c.isdigit() and c!="_": self.message(530, "Incorrect username.") return self.username = arg self.home_dir = root_dir + "/" + self.username self.curr_dir = "/" self.curr_dir, self.full_path, permission, self.vdir_list, \ limit_size, is_virtual = self.parse_path("/") if not os.path.isdir(self.home_dir): self.message(530, "User " + self.username + " not exists.") return self.pass_path = self.home_dir + "/.xxftp/password" if os.path.isfile(self.pass_path): self.message(331, "Password required for " + self.username) else: self.message(230, "Identified!") self.identified = True return elif cmd == "PASS": if open(self.pass_path).read() == hashlib.md5(arg).hexdigest(): self.message(230, "Identified!") self.identified = True else: self.message(530, "Not identified!") self.identified = False return elif not self.identified: self.message(530, "Please login with USER and PASS.") return self.alive_time = time.time() finish = True if cmd == "NOOP": self.message(200, "ok") elif cmd == "TYPE": self.message(200, "ok") elif cmd == "SYST": self.message(200, "UNIX") elif cmd == "EPSV" or cmd == "PASV": self.option_pasv = True try: self.data_fd = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM) self.data_fd.bind((listen_ip, 0)) self.data_fd.listen(1) ip, port = self.data_fd.getsockname() if cmd == "EPSV": self.message(229, "Entering Extended Passive Mode (|||" + str(port) + "|)") else: ipnum = socket.inet_aton(ip) self.message(227, "Entering Passive Mode (%s,%u,%u)." % (",".join(ip.split(".")), (port>>8&0xff), (port&0xff))) except: self.message(500, "failed to create data socket.") elif cmd == "EPRT": self.message(500, "implement EPRT later...") elif cmd == "PORT": self.option_pasv = False self.data_fd = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM) s = arg.split(",") self.data_ip = ".".join(s[:4]) self.data_port = int(s[4])*256 + int(s[5]) self.message(200, "ok") elif cmd == "PWD" or cmd == "XPWD": if self.curr_dir == "": self.curr_dir = "/" self.message(257, '"' + self.curr_dir + '"') elif cmd == "LIST" or cmd == "NLST": if arg != "" and arg[0] == "-": arg = "" # omit parameters remote, local, perm, vdir_list, limit_size, is_virtual = self.parse_path(arg) if not os.path.exists(local): self.message(550, "failed.") return if not self.establish(): return self.message(150, "ok") for v in vdir_list: f = v[0] if self.option_utf8: f = unicode(f, sys.getfilesystemencoding()).encode("utf8") if cmd == "NLST": info = f + "\r\n" else: info = "d%s%s------- %04u %8s %8s %8lu %s %s\r\n" % ( "r" if "read" in perm else "-", "w" if "write" in perm else "-", 1, "0", "0", 0, time.strftime("%b %d %Y", time.localtime(time.time())), f) self.data_fd.send(info) for f in os.listdir(local): if f[0] == ".": continue path = local + "/" + f if self.option_utf8: f = unicode(f, sys.getfilesystemencoding()).encode("utf8") if cmd == "NLST": info = f + "\r\n" else: st = os.stat(path) info = "%s%s%s------- %04u %8s %8s %8lu %s %s\r\n" % ( "-" if os.path.isfile(path) else "d", "r" if "read" in perm else "-", "w" if "write" in perm else "-", 1, "0", "0", st[stat.ST_SIZE], time.strftime("%b %d %Y", time.localtime(st[stat.ST_MTIME])), f) self.data_fd.send(info) self.message(226, "Limit size: " + str(limit_size)) self.data_fd.close() self.data_fd = 0 elif cmd == "REST": self.file_pos = int(arg) self.message(250, "ok") elif cmd == "FEAT": features = "211-Features:\r\nSITES\r\nEPRT\r\nEPSV\r\nMDTM\r\nPASV\r\n"\ "REST STREAM\r\nSIZE\r\nUTF8\r\n211 End\r\n" self.fd.send(features) elif cmd == "OPTS": arg = arg.upper() if arg == "UTF8 ON": self.option_utf8 = True self.message(200, "ok") elif arg == "UTF8 OFF": self.option_utf8 = False self.message(200, "ok") else: self.message(500, "unrecognized option") elif cmd == "CDUP": finish = False arg = ".." else: finish = False if finish: return # Parse argument ( It's a path ) if arg == "": self.message(500, "where's my argument?") return remote, local, permission, vdir_list, limit_size, is_virtual = \ self.parse_path(arg) # can not do anything to virtual directory if is_virtual: permission = "none" can_read, can_write, can_modify = "read" in permission, "write" in permission, "modify" in permission newpath = local try: if cmd == "CWD": if(os.path.isdir(newpath)): self.curr_dir = remote self.full_path = newpath self.message(250, '"' + remote + '"') else: self.message(550, "failed") elif cmd == "MDTM": if os.path.exists(newpath): self.message(213, time.strftime("%Y%m%d%I%M%S", time.localtime( os.path.getmtime(newpath)))) else: self.message(550, "failed") elif cmd == "SIZE": self.message(231, os.path.getsize(newpath)) elif cmd == "XMKD" or cmd == "MKD": if not can_modify: self.message(550, "permission denied.") return os.mkdir(newpath) self.message(250, "ok") elif cmd == "RNFR": if not can_modify: self.message(550, "permission denied.") return self.temp_path = newpath self.message(350, "rename from " + remote) elif cmd == "RNTO": os.rename(self.temp_path, newpath) self.message(250, "RNTO to " + remote) elif cmd == "XRMD" or cmd == "RMD": if not can_modify: self.message(550, "permission denied.") return os.rmdir(newpath) self.message(250, "ok") elif cmd == "DELE": if not can_modify: self.message(550, "permission denied.") return os.remove(newpath) self.message(250, "ok") elif cmd == "RETR": if not os.path.isfile(newpath): self.message(550, "failed") return if not can_read: self.message(550, "permission denied.") return if not self.establish(): return self.message(150, "ok") f = open(newpath, "rb") while self.running: self.alive_time = time.time() data = if len(data) == 0: break self.data_fd.send(data) f.close() self.data_fd.close() self.data_fd = 0 self.message(226, "ok") elif cmd == "STOR" or cmd == "APPE": if not can_write: self.message(550, "permission denied.") return if os.path.exists(newpath) and not can_modify: self.message(550, "permission denied.") return # Check space size remained! used_size = 0 if limit_size > 0: used_size = self.get_dir_size(os.path.dirname(newpath)) if not self.establish(): return self.message(150, "ok") f = open(newpath, ("ab" if cmd == "APPE" else "wb") ) while self.running: self.alive_time = time.time() data = self.data_fd.recv(8192) if len(data) == 0: break if limit_size > 0: used_size = used_size + len(data) if used_size > limit_size: break f.write(data) f.close() self.data_fd.close() self.data_fd = 0 if limit_size > 0 and used_size > limit_size: self.message(550, "Exceeding user space limit: " + str(limit_size) + " bytes") else: self.message(226, "ok") else: self.message(500, cmd + " not implemented") except: self.message(550, "failed.") def establish(self): if self.data_fd == 0: self.message(500, "no data connection") return False if self.option_pasv: fd = self.data_fd.accept()[0] self.data_fd.close() self.data_fd = fd else: try: self.data_fd.connect((self.data_ip, self.data_port)) except: self.message(500, "failed to establish data connection") return False return True def read_virtual(self, path): vdir_list = [] path = path + "/.xxftp/virtual" if os.path.isfile(path): for v in open(path, "r").readlines(): items = v.split() items[1] = items[1].replace("$root", root_dir) vdir_list.append(items) return vdir_list def get_dir_size(self, folder): size = 0 for path, dirs, files in os.walk(folder): for f in files: size += os.path.getsize(os.path.join(path, f)) return size def read_size(self, path): size = 0 path = path + "/.xxftp/size" if os.path.isfile(path): size = int(open(path, "r").readline()) return size def read_permission(self, path): permission = "read,write,modify" path = path + "/.xxftp/permission" if os.path.isfile(path): permission = open(path, "r").readline() return permission def parse_path(self, path): if path == "": path = "." if path[0] != "/": path = self.curr_dir + "/" + path s = os.path.normpath(path).replace("\\", "/").split("/") local = self.home_dir # reset directory permission vdir_list = self.read_virtual(local) limit_size = self.read_size(local) permission = self.read_permission(local) remote = "" is_virtual = False for name in s: name = name.lstrip(".") if name == "": continue remote = remote + "/" + name is_virtual = False for v in vdir_list: if v[0] == name: permission = v[2] local = v[1] limit_size = self.read_size(local) is_virtual = True if not is_virtual: local = local + "/" + name vdir_list = self.read_virtual(local) return (remote, local, permission, vdir_list, limit_size, is_virtual) def run(self): ''' Connection Process ''' try: if len(conn_list) > max_connections: self.message(500, "too many connections!") self.fd.close() self.running = False return # Welcome Message if os.path.exists(root_dir + "/xxftp.welcome"): self.message(220, open(root_dir + "/xxftp.welcome").read()) else: self.message(220, "xxftp(Python)") # Command Loop line = "" while self.running: data = self.fd.recv(4096) if len(data) == 0: break line += data if line[-2:] != "\r\n": continue line = line[:-2] space = line.find(" ") if space == -1: self.process(line, "") else: self.process(line[:space], line[space+1:]) line = "" except: print "error", sys.exc_info() self.running = False self.fd.close() print "connection end", self.fd, "user", self.username def message(self, code, s): ''' Send Ftp Message ''' s = str(s).replace("\r", "") ss = s.split("\n") if len(ss) > 1: r = (str(code) + "-") + ("\r\n" + str(code) + "-").join(ss[:-1]) r += "\r\n" + str(code) + " " + ss[-1] + "\r\n" else: r = str(code) + " " + ss[0] + "\r\n" if self.option_utf8: r = unicode(r, sys.getfilesystemencoding()).encode("utf8") self.fd.send(r) def server_listen(): global conn_list listen_fd = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM) listen_fd.setsockopt(socket.SOL_SOCKET, socket.SO_REUSEADDR, 1) listen_fd.bind((listen_ip, listen_port)) listen_fd.listen(1024) conn_lock = threading.Lock() print "ftpd is listening on ", listen_ip + ":" + str(listen_port) while True: conn_fd, remote_addr = listen_fd.accept() print "connection from ", remote_addr, "conn_list", len(conn_list) conn = FtpConnection(conn_fd) conn.start() conn_lock.acquire() conn_list.append(conn) # check timeout try: curr_time = time.time() for conn in conn_list: if int(curr_time - conn.alive_time) > conn_timeout: if conn.running == True: conn.fd.shutdown(socket.SHUT_RDWR) conn.running = False conn_list = [conn for conn in conn_list if conn.running] except: print sys.exc_info() conn_lock.release() def main(): server_listen() if __name__ == "__main__": main()
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