Posted in Python onJanuary 27, 2014
command.txt: ThreadNum:1 port:22 local_dir:hello_mkdir remote_dir:hello_mkdir alter_auth:chmod 755 hello_mkdir exec_program:./hello_mkdir ipandpass.txt: ip username password
#function:upload files through ssh protocal and excute the files #lib:paramiko #MyThread:init a thread to run the function #ThreadPol:init a thread pool #uploadAndExecu:upload file and excute #readConf:read config file #-*- coding = utf-8 -*- import Queue import sys import threading import paramiko import socket from threading import Thread import time class MyThread(Thread): def __init__(self, workQueue, timeout=1): Thread.__init__(self) self.timeout = timeout self.setDaemon(False) self.workQueue = workQueue self.start() #print 'i am runnning ...' def run(self): emptyQueue = 0 while True: try: callable, username, password, ipAddress, port,comms = self.workQueue.get(timeout = self.timeout) #print 'attacking :',ipAddress,username,password,threading.currentThread().getName(),' time : ' callable(username,password, ipAddress, port,comms) except Queue.Empty: print threading.currentThread().getName(),":queue is empty ; sleep 5 seconds\n" emptyQueue += 1 #judge the queue,if it is empty or not. time.sleep(5) if emptyQueue == 5: print threading.currentThread().getName(),'i quit,the queue is empty' break except Exception, error: print error class ThreadPool: def __init__(self, num_of_threads=10): self.workQueue = Queue.Queue() self.threads = [] self.__createThreadPool(num_of_threads) #create the threads pool def __createThreadPool(self, num_of_threads): for i in range(num_of_threads): thread = MyThread(self.workQueue) self.threads.append(thread) def wait_for_complete(self): #print len(self.threads) while len(self.threads): thread = self.threads.pop() if thread.isAlive(): thread.join() def add_job(self, callable, username, password, ipAddress, Port,comms): self.workQueue.put((callable, username, password, ipAddress, Port,comms)) def uploadAndExecu(usernam,password,hostname,port,comm): print usernam,password,hostname,port,comm try: t = paramiko.Transport((hostname,int(port))) t.connect(username=username,password=password) sftp=paramiko.SFTPClient.from_transport(t) sftp.put(comm['local_dir'],comm['remote_dir']) except Exception,e: print 'upload files failed:',e t.close() finally: t.close() try: ssh = paramiko.SSHClient() ssh.load_system_host_keys() ssh.set_missing_host_key_policy(paramiko.MissingHostKeyPolicy()) ssh.connect(hostname, port=int(port), username=username, password=password) ssh.exec_command(comm['alter_auth']) ssh.exec_command(comm['exec_program']) except Exception,e: print 'chang file auth or execute the file failed:',e ssh.close() def readConf(): comm={} try: f = file('command.txt','r') for l in f: sp = l.split(':') comm[sp[0]]=sp[1].strip('\n') except Exception,e: print 'open file command.txt failed:',e f.close() return comm if __name__ == "__main__": commandLine = readConf() print commandLine #prepare the ips wm = ThreadPool(int(commandLine['ThreadNum'])) try: ipFile = file('ipandpass.txt','r') except: print "[-] ip.txt Open file Failed!" sys.exit(1) for line in ipFile: IpAdd,username,pwd = line.strip('\r\n').split(' ') wm.add_job(uploadAndExecu,username,pwd,IpAdd,commandLine['port'],commandLine)
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