要判断这个 CSS 文件是否加载完毕,各个浏览器的做法差异比较大,这次要说IE浏览器做的不错,我们可以直接通过onload方法来处理CSS加载完成以后的处理:
// 代码节选至seajs function styleOnload(node, callback) { // for IE6-9 and Opera if (node.attachEvent) { node.attachEvent('onload', callback); // NOTICE: // 1. "onload" will be fired in IE6-9 when the file is 404, but in // this situation, Opera does nothing, so fallback to timeout. // 2. "onerror" doesn't fire in any browsers! } }
// 代码节选至seajs function poll(node, callback) { if (callback.isCalled) { return; } var isLoaded = false; if (/webkit/i.test(navigator.userAgent)) {//webkit if (node['sheet']) { isLoaded = true; } } // for Firefox else if (node['sheet']) { try { if (node['sheet'].cssRules) { isLoaded = true; } } catch (ex) { // NS_ERROR_DOM_SECURITY_ERR if (ex.code === 1000) { isLoaded = true; } } } if (isLoaded) { // give time to render. setTimeout(function() { callback(); }, 1); } else { setTimeout(function() { poll(node, callback); }, 1); } } setTimeout(function() { poll(node, callback); }, 0);
function styleOnload(node, callback) { // for IE6-9 and Opera if (node.attachEvent) { node.attachEvent('onload', callback); // NOTICE: // 1. "onload" will be fired in IE6-9 when the file is 404, but in // this situation, Opera does nothing, so fallback to timeout. // 2. "onerror" doesn't fire in any browsers! } // polling for Firefox, Chrome, Safari else { setTimeout(function() { poll(node, callback); }, 0); // for cache } } function poll(node, callback) { if (callback.isCalled) { return; } var isLoaded = false; if (/webkit/i.test(navigator.userAgent)) {//webkit if (node['sheet']) { isLoaded = true; } } // for Firefox else if (node['sheet']) { try { if (node['sheet'].cssRules) { isLoaded = true; } } catch (ex) { // NS_ERROR_DOM_SECURITY_ERR if (ex.code === 1000) { isLoaded = true; } } } if (isLoaded) { // give time to render. setTimeout(function() { callback(); }, 1); } else { setTimeout(function() { poll(node, callback); }, 1); } } // 我的动态创建LINK函数 function createLink(cssURL,lnkId,charset,media){ var head = document.getElementsByTagName('head')[0], linkTag = null; if(!cssURL){ return false; } linkTag = document.createElement('link'); linkTag.setAttribute('id',(lnkId || 'dynamic-style')); linkTag.setAttribute('rel','stylesheet'); linkTag.setAttribute('charset',(charset || 'utf-8')); linkTag.setAttribute('media',(media||'all')); linkTag.setAttribute('type','text/css'); linkTag.href = cssURL; head.appendChild(linkTag); } function loadcss(){ var styleNode = createLink('/wp-content/themes/BlueNight/style.css'); styleOnload(styleNode,function(){ alert("loaded"); }); }
在看到seajs的代码的时候,我立刻想起了我看到Diego Perini的另一个解决方案:
/* * Copyright (C) 2010 Diego Perini * All rights reserved. * * cssready.js - CSS loaded/ready state notification * * Author: Diego Perini <diego.perini at gmail com> * Version: 0.1 * Created: 20100616 * Release: 20101104 * * License: * https://3water.com * Download: * http://javascript.nwbox.com/cssready/cssready.js */ function cssReady(fn, link) { var d = document, t = d.createStyleSheet, r = t ? 'rules' : 'cssRules', s = t ? 'styleSheet' : 'sheet', l = d.getElementsByTagName('link'); // passed link or last link node link || (link = l[l.length - 1]); function check() { try { return link && link[s] && link[s][r] && link[s][r][0]; } catch(e) { return false; } } (function poll() { check() && setTimeout(fn, 0) || setTimeout(poll, 100); })(); }
还有,Fackbook则是通过在动态创建的CSS样式中包含一个固定的样式,例如#loadcssdom,loadcssdom就是一个高度为1px样式。然后动态创建一个DOM对象,添加这个loadcssdom样式。然后也是setTimeout轮询loadcssdo是否已经有1px的高度了。这个处理方式的解决方案,大家可以下《CSSP: Loading CSS with Javascript ? and getting an onload callback.》
而《JavaScript Patterns》的作者Stoyan则在他的博客里,比较详细的说明了《When is a stylesheet really loaded?》。
《ensure ? Ensure JavaScripts/HTML/CSS are loaded on-demand when needed》,这个库是专门处理动态加载HTML,CSS,JavaScript的。就像作者介绍的那样:
ensure is a tiny JavaScript library that provides a handy function ensure which allows you to load JavaScript, HTML, CSS on-demand, and then execute your code. ensure 3water.com ensures that the relevant JavaScript and HTML snippets are already in the browser DOM before executing your code that uses them.
《Tell CSS that JavaScript is available ASAP》
看完这个后,你可能就不会纠结:When you're styling parts of a web page that will look and work differently depending on whether JavaScript is available or not。
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