Posted in Javascript onOctober 27, 2011
/* input 和 textarea 最大文字限定插件 * 修改版, 一个中文表示1一个字, 一个英文半个字; * TextLimit - jQuery plugin for counting and limiting characters for input and textarea fields * * pass '-1' as speed if you don't want the char-deletion effect. (don't just put 0) * Example: jQuery("Textarea").textlimit('span.counter',256) * * $Version: 2009.07.25 +r2 * Copyright (c) 2009 Yair Even-Or * */ String.prototype.getBytes = function () { var cArr = this.match(/[^\x00-\xff]/ig); return this.length + (cArr == null ? 0 : cArr.length); }; (function(jQuery) { jQuery.fn.textlimit=function(counter_el, thelimit, speed) { var charDelSpeed = speed || 15; var toggleCharDel = speed != -1; var toggleTrim = true; var that = this[0]; var isCtrl = false; updateCounter(); function updateCounter(){ if(typeof that == "object") jQuery(counter_el).text(thelimit - Math.ceil(that.value.getBytes()/2)); }; this.keydown (function(e){ if(e.which == 17) isCtrl = true; var ctrl_a = (e.which == 65 && isCtrl == true) ? true : false; // detect and allow CTRL + A selects all. var ctrl_v = (e.which == 86 && isCtrl == true) ? true : false; // detect and allow CTRL + V paste. // 8 is 'backspace' and 46 is 'delete' if( this.value.length >= thelimit && e.which != '8' && e.which != '46' && ctrl_a == false && ctrl_v == false) e.preventDefault(); }) .keyup (function(e){ updateCounter(); if(e.which == 17) isCtrl=false; if( this.value.length >= thelimit && toggleTrim ){ if(toggleCharDel){ // first, trim the text a bit so the char trimming won't take forever // Also check if there are more than 10 extra chars, then trim. just in case. if ( (this.value.length - thelimit) > 10 ) that.value = that.value.substr(0,thelimit+100); var init = setInterval ( function(){ if( that.value.length <= thelimit ){ init = clearInterval(init); updateCounter() } else{ // deleting extra chars (one by one) that.value = that.value.substring(0,that.value.length-1); jQuery(counter_el).text(Math.ceil(that.value.getBytes()/2)); } } ,charDelSpeed ); } else this.value = that.value.substr(0,thelimit); } }); }; })(jQuery);
input 和 textarea 输入框最大文字限制的jquery插件
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