Posted in PHP onSeptember 24, 2007
就像我的日志中的地址路径一样,让 index.php?action=one&do=two
变成: ?index/action/one/do/two
index.php -------------- <?php // PARSING QUERY STRING $QS=explode("&",$_SERVER['QUERY_STRING']); $QS=explode('/',$QS[0]); // IF Modul is Undefined set it to index if (!$QS[0]) $MODUL='index'; else $MODUL=strtolower($QS[0]); // WE can make a Variable $_QUERY // for alternative _GET for ($i=1;$i<count($QS);$i+=2) { $_QUERY[$NVAR]=$NVAR=$QS[$i]; $$NVAR=$QS[$i+1]; } // Check the Modul is exists? if (!file_exists("modul_directory/{ $MODUL }.php")) $MODUL="index"; #### THIS IS EXAMPLE TO IMPLEMENTATION THE SCRIPT // Load The Template include("template.php"); // Load The Module include("modul_directory/{ $MODUL }.php"); // Load The Footer include("footer.php"); ?> we can access the modul in URL like this: ================================= - it mean load the modul forum.php, and set the _QUERY['topic']=20 - it mean load the modul voting.php, and set the _QUERY['id']=54 and _QUERY['type']='piechart' and set _GET['choice']=2
php下实现伪 url 的超简单方法[转]
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