这篇文章中的内容是来源于去年我用美国的VPS搭建博客的初始阶段,那是有很多恶意访问,我就根据access log中的源IP来进行了很多统计,同时我也将访问量最高的恶意访问的源IP拿来查询其地理位置信息。所以,我就用到了根据IP查询地理位置信息的一些东西,现在将这方面积累的一点东西共享出来。
1. 淘宝的API(推荐):http://ip.taobao.com/service/getIpInfo.php?ip=
2. 国外freegeoip.net(推荐):http://freegeoip.net/json/ 这个还提供了经纬度信息(但不一定准)
3. 新浪的API:http://int.dpool.sina.com.cn/iplookup/iplookup.php?format=json&ip=
4. 腾讯的网页查询:http://ip.qq.com/cgi-bin/searchip?searchip1=
5. ip.cn的网页:http://www.ip.cn/index.php?ip=
6. ip-api.com: http://ip-api.com/json/ (看起来挺不错的,貌似直接返回中文城市信息,文档在 ip-api.com/docs/api:json)
7. http://www.locatorhq.com/ip-to-location-api/documentation.php (这个要注册才能使用,还没用过呢)
#!/usr/bin/python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*-''' Created on Oct 20, 2013 @summary: geography info about an IP address @author: Jay <smile665@gmail.com> http://smilejay.com/ ''' import json, urllib2 import re from selenium import webdriver from selenium.webdriver.common.desired_capabilities import DesiredCapabilities class location_freegeoip(): ''' build the mapping of the ip address and its location. the geo info is from <freegeoip.net> ''' def __init__(self, ip): ''' Constructor of location_freegeoip class ''' self.ip = ip self.api_format = 'json' self.api_url = 'http://freegeoip.net/%s/%s' % (self.api_format, self.ip) def get_geoinfo(self): """ get the geo info from the remote API. return a dict about the location. """ urlobj = urllib2.urlopen(self.api_url) data = urlobj.read() datadict = json.loads(data, encoding='utf-8') # print datadict return datadict def get_country(self): key = 'country_name' datadict = self.get_geoinfo() return datadict[key] def get_region(self): key = 'region_name' datadict = self.get_geoinfo() return datadict[key] def get_city(self): key = 'city' datadict = self.get_geoinfo() return datadict[key] class location_taobao(): ''' build the mapping of the ip address and its location the geo info is from Taobao e.g. http://ip.taobao.com/service/getIpInfo.php?ip= The getIpInfo API from Taobao returns a JSON object. ''' def __init__(self, ip): self.ip = ip self.api_url = 'http://ip.taobao.com/service/getIpInfo.php?ip=%s' % self.ip def get_geoinfo(self): """ get the geo info from the remote API. return a dict about the location. """ urlobj = urllib2.urlopen(self.api_url) data = urlobj.read() datadict = json.loads(data, encoding='utf-8') # print datadict return datadict['data'] def get_country(self): key = u'country' datadict = self.get_geoinfo() return datadict[key] def get_region(self): key = 'region' datadict = self.get_geoinfo() return datadict[key] def get_city(self): key = 'city' datadict = self.get_geoinfo() return datadict[key] def get_isp(self): key = 'isp' datadict = self.get_geoinfo() return datadict[key] class location_qq(): ''' build the mapping of the ip address and its location. the geo info is from Tencent. Note: the content of the Tencent's API return page is encoded by 'gb2312'. e.g. http://ip.qq.com/cgi-bin/searchip?searchip1= ''' def __init__(self, ip): ''' Construction of location_ipdotcn class. ''' self.ip = ip self.api_url = 'http://ip.qq.com/cgi-bin/searchip?searchip1=%s' % ip def get_geoinfo(self): urlobj = urllib2.urlopen(self.api_url) data = urlobj.read().decode('gb2312').encode('utf8') pattern = re.compile(r'该IP所在地为:<span>(.+)</span>') m = re.search(pattern, data) if m != None: return m.group(1).split(' ') else: return None def get_region(self): return self.get_geoinfo()[0] def get_isp(self): return self.get_geoinfo()[1] class location_ipdotcn(): ''' build the mapping of the ip address and its location. the geo info is from www.ip.cn need to use PhantomJS to open the URL to render its JS ''' def __init__(self, ip): ''' Construction of location_ipdotcn class. ''' self.ip = ip self.api_url = 'http://www.ip.cn/%s' % ip def get_geoinfo(self): dcap = dict(DesiredCapabilities.PHANTOMJS) dcap["phantomjs.page.settings.userAgent"] = ( "Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10.9; rv:25.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/29.0 " ) driver = webdriver.PhantomJS(executable_path='/usr/local/bin/phantomjs', desired_capabilities=dcap) driver.get(self.api_url) text = driver.find_element_by_xpath('//div[@id="result"]/div/p').text res = text.split('来自:')[1].split(' ') driver.quit() return res def get_region(self): return self.get_geoinfo()[0] def get_isp(self): return self.get_geoinfo()[1] if __name__ == '__main__': ip = '' # iploc = location_taobao(ip) # print iploc.get_geoinfo() # print iploc.get_country() # print iploc.get_region() # print iploc.get_city() # print iploc.get_isp() # iploc = location_qq(ip) iploc = location_ipdotcn(ip) # iploc.get_geoinfo() print iploc.get_region() print iploc.get_isp()
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