x=[randn(3,2)*.4;randn(4,2)*.5+ones(4,1)*[4 4]];
class = kmeans(x, 2);
x是数据点,x的每一行代表一个数据;2指定要有2个中心点,也就是聚类结果要有2个簇。 class将是一个具有70个元素的列向量,这些元素依次对应70个数据点,元素值代表着其对应的数据点所处的分类号。某次运行后,class的值是:
2 2 2 1 1 1 1
这说明x的前三个数据点属于簇2,而后四个数据点属于簇1。 kmeans函数也可以像下面这样使用:
>> [class, C, sumd, D] = kmeans(x, 2) class = 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 C = 4.0629 4.0845 -0.1341 0.1201 sumd = 1.2017 0.2939 D = 34.3727 0.0184 29.5644 0.1858 36.3511 0.0898 0.1247 37.4801 0.7537 24.0659 0.1979 36.7666 0.1256 36.2149
kmeans++算法的主要工作体现在种子点的选择上,基本原则是使得各个种子点之间的距离尽可能的大,但是又得排除噪声的影响。 以下为基本思路:
如何选择值较大的元素呢,下面是一种思路(暂未找到最初的来源,在资料[2]等地方均有提及,笔者换了一种让自己更好理解的说法): 把集合D中的每个元素D(x)想象为一根线L(x),线的长度就是元素的值。将这些线依次按照L(1)、L(2)、……、L(n)的顺序连接起来,组成长线L。L(1)、L(2)、……、L(n)称为L的子线。根据概率的相关知识,如果我们在L上随机选择一个点,那么这个点所在的子线很有可能是比较长的子线,而这个子线对应的数据点就可以作为种子点。下文中kmeans++的两种实现均是这个原理。
在http://rosettacode.org/wiki/K-means%2B%2B_clustering 中能找到多种编程语言版本的Kmeans++实现。下面的内容是基于python的实现(中文注释是笔者添加的):
from math import pi, sin, cos from collections import namedtuple from random import random, choice from copy import copy try: import psyco psyco.full() except ImportError: pass FLOAT_MAX = 1e100 class Point: __slots__ = ["x", "y", "group"] def __init__(self, x=0.0, y=0.0, group=0): self.x, self.y, self.group = x, y, group def generate_points(npoints, radius): points = [Point() for _ in xrange(npoints)] # note: this is not a uniform 2-d distribution for p in points: r = random() * radius ang = random() * 2 * pi p.x = r * cos(ang) p.y = r * sin(ang) return points def nearest_cluster_center(point, cluster_centers): """Distance and index of the closest cluster center""" def sqr_distance_2D(a, b): return (a.x - b.x) ** 2 + (a.y - b.y) ** 2 min_index = point.group min_dist = FLOAT_MAX for i, cc in enumerate(cluster_centers): d = sqr_distance_2D(cc, point) if min_dist > d: min_dist = d min_index = i return (min_index, min_dist) ''' points是数据点,nclusters是给定的簇类数目 cluster_centers包含初始化的nclusters个中心点,开始都是对象->(0,0,0) ''' def kpp(points, cluster_centers): cluster_centers[0] = copy(choice(points)) #随机选取第一个中心点 d = [0.0 for _ in xrange(len(points))] #列表,长度为len(points),保存每个点离最近的中心点的距离 for i in xrange(1, len(cluster_centers)): # i=1...len(c_c)-1 sum = 0 for j, p in enumerate(points): d[j] = nearest_cluster_center(p, cluster_centers[:i])[1] #第j个数据点p与各个中心点距离的最小值 sum += d[j] sum *= random() for j, di in enumerate(d): sum -= di if sum > 0: continue cluster_centers[i] = copy(points[j]) break for p in points: p.group = nearest_cluster_center(p, cluster_centers)[0] ''' points是数据点,nclusters是给定的簇类数目 ''' def lloyd(points, nclusters): cluster_centers = [Point() for _ in xrange(nclusters)] #根据指定的中心点个数,初始化中心点,均为(0,0,0) # call k++ init kpp(points, cluster_centers) #选择初始种子点 # 下面是kmeans lenpts10 = len(points) >> 10 changed = 0 while True: # group element for centroids are used as counters for cc in cluster_centers: cc.x = 0 cc.y = 0 cc.group = 0 for p in points: cluster_centers[p.group].group += 1 #与该种子点在同一簇的数据点的个数 cluster_centers[p.group].x += p.x cluster_centers[p.group].y += p.y for cc in cluster_centers: #生成新的中心点 cc.x /= cc.group cc.y /= cc.group # find closest centroid of each PointPtr changed = 0 #记录所属簇发生变化的数据点的个数 for p in points: min_i = nearest_cluster_center(p, cluster_centers)[0] if min_i != p.group: changed += 1 p.group = min_i # stop when 99.9% of points are good if changed <= lenpts10: break for i, cc in enumerate(cluster_centers): cc.group = i return cluster_centers def print_eps(points, cluster_centers, W=400, H=400): Color = namedtuple("Color", "r g b"); colors = [] for i in xrange(len(cluster_centers)): colors.append(Color((3 * (i + 1) % 11) / 11.0, (7 * i % 11) / 11.0, (9 * i % 11) / 11.0)) max_x = max_y = -FLOAT_MAX min_x = min_y = FLOAT_MAX for p in points: if max_x < p.x: max_x = p.x if min_x > p.x: min_x = p.x if max_y < p.y: max_y = p.y if min_y > p.y: min_y = p.y scale = min(W / (max_x - min_x), H / (max_y - min_y)) cx = (max_x + min_x) / 2 cy = (max_y + min_y) / 2 print "%%!PS-Adobe-3.0\n%%%%BoundingBox: -5 -5 %d %d" % (W + 10, H + 10) print ("/l {rlineto} def /m {rmoveto} def\n" + "/c { .25 sub exch .25 sub exch .5 0 360 arc fill } def\n" + "/s { moveto -2 0 m 2 2 l 2 -2 l -2 -2 l closepath " + " gsave 1 setgray fill grestore gsave 3 setlinewidth" + " 1 setgray stroke grestore 0 setgray stroke }def") for i, cc in enumerate(cluster_centers): print ("%g %g %g setrgbcolor" % (colors[i].r, colors[i].g, colors[i].b)) for p in points: if p.group != i: continue print ("%.3f %.3f c" % ((p.x - cx) * scale + W / 2, (p.y - cy) * scale + H / 2)) print ("\n0 setgray %g %g s" % ((cc.x - cx) * scale + W / 2, (cc.y - cy) * scale + H / 2)) print "\n%%%%EOF" def main(): npoints = 30000 k = 7 # # clusters points = generate_points(npoints, 10) cluster_centers = lloyd(points, k) print_eps(points, cluster_centers) main()
function [L,C] = kmeanspp(X,k) %KMEANS Cluster multivariate data using the k-means++ algorithm. % [L,C] = kmeans_pp(X,k) produces a 1-by-size(X,2) vector L with one class % label per column in X and a size(X,1)-by-k matrix C containing the % centers corresponding to each class. % Version: 2013-02-08 % Authors: Laurent Sorber (Laurent.Sorber@cs.kuleuven.be) L = []; L1 = 0; while length(unique(L)) ~= k % The k-means++ initialization. C = X(:,1+round(rand*(size(X,2)-1))); %size(X,2)是数据集合X的数据点的数目,C是中心点的集合 L = ones(1,size(X,2)); for i = 2:k D = X-C(:,L); %-1 D = cumsum(sqrt(dot(D,D,1))); %将每个数据点与中心点的距离,依次累加 if D(end) == 0, C(:,i:k) = X(:,ones(1,k-i+1)); return; end C(:,i) = X(:,find(rand < D/D(end),1)); %find的第二个参数表示返回的索引的数目 [~,L] = max(bsxfun(@minus,2*real(C'*X),dot(C,C,1).')); %碉堡了,这句,将每个数据点进行分类。 end % The k-means algorithm. while any(L ~= L1) L1 = L; for i = 1:k, l = L==i; C(:,i) = sum(X(:,l),2)/sum(l); end [~,L] = max(bsxfun(@minus,2*real(C'*X),dot(C,C,1).'),[],1); end end
>> x=[randn(3,2)*.4;randn(4,2)*.5+ones(4,1)*[4 4]] x = -0.0497 0.5669 0.5959 0.2686 0.5636 -0.4830 4.3586 4.3634 4.8151 3.8483 4.2444 4.1469 4.5173 3.6064 >> [L, C] = kmeanspp(x',2) L = 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 C = 4.4839 0.3699 3.9913 0.1175
>> unique([1 3 3 4 4 5]) ans = 1 3 4 5 >> unique([1 3 3 ; 4 4 5]) ans = 1 3 4 5
所以循环 while length(unique(L)) ~= k 以得到了k个聚类为结束条件,不过一般情况下,这个循环一次就结束了,因为重点在这个循环中。
>> C =[]; >> C(1,1) = 1 C = 1 >> C(2,1) = 2 C = 1 2 >> C(:,[1 1 1 1]) ans = 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 >> C(:,[1 1 1 1 2]) Index exceeds matrix dimensions.
C中第二个参数的元素1,其实是代表C的第一列数据,之所以在值2时候出现Index exceeds matrix dimensions.的错误,是因为C本身没有第二列。如果C有第二列了:
>> C(2,2) = 3; >> C(2,2) = 4; >> C(:,[1 1 1 1 2]) ans = 1 1 1 1 3 2 2 2 2 4
>> TT = [1 2 3 ; 4 5 6]; >> dot(TT,TT) ans = 17 29 45 >> dot(TT,TT,1 ) ans = 17 29 45
>> cumsum([1 2 3]) ans = 1 3 6 >> cumsum([1 2 3; 4 5 6]) ans = 1 2 3 5 7 9
>> [~, L] = max([1 2 3]) L = 3 >> [~,L] = max([1 2 3;2 3 4]) L = 2 2 2
C = bsxfun(fun,A,B) applies the element-by-element binary operation specified by the function handle fun to arrays A and B, with singleton expansion enabled
>> A= [1 2 3;2 3 4] A = 1 2 3 2 3 4 >> B=[6;7] B = 6 7 >> bsxfun(@minus,A,B) ans = -5 -4 -3 -5 -4 -3
[~,L] = max(bsxfun(@minus,2*real(C'*X),dot(C,C,1).'));
假定数据点是2维的,某个数据点为(x1,y1),某个中心点为(c1,d1),那么通过bsxfun(@minus,2real(C'X),dot(C,C,1).')的计算,数据点与中心点的距离为2c1x1 + 2d1y1 -c1.^2 - c2.^2,可以变换为x1.^2 + y1.^2 - (c1-x1).^2 - (d1-y1).^2。对于每一列而言,由于是数据点与各个中心点之间的计算,所以可以忽略x1.^2 + y1.^2,最终计算结果是欧几里得距离的平方的相反数。这也说明了使用max的合理性,因为一个数据点的所属簇取决于与其距离最近的中心点,若将距离取相反数,则应该是值最大的那个点。
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