Posted in Javascript onMarch 22, 2014
<span style="font-size:18px;">set line 1000 set linesize 200 set pagesize 2000 set long 999999 set echo on set markup html on select res.* from (select to_char(d.end_interval_time,'yyyy-mm-dd'), a.PARSING_SCHEMA_NAME, c.MODULE, a.sql_id, a.execs as 执行次数, ROUND(a.cpu_times / a.execs, 2) as 单次执行时间, a.cpu_times as cpu消耗时间, ROUND(a.cpu_times / b.sum_time * 100, 2) as 消耗cpu百分比, a.buffer_gets as 逻辑读, ROUND(a.buffer_gets / b.sum_buffer * 100, 2) as 逻辑读百分比, a.disk_read as 物理读, ROUND(a.disk_read / b.sum_disk * 100, 2) as 物理读百分比, c.sql_fulltext from (select PARSING_SCHEMA_NAME, sql_id, sum(EXECUTIONS_DELTA) AS execs, round(sum(CPU_TIME_DELTA) / 1000000, 2) AS cpu_times, round(sum(ELAPSED_TIME_DELTA) / 1000000, 2) AS elapsed_time, sum(BUFFER_GETS_DELTA) AS buffer_gets, sum(DISK_READS_DELTA) AS disk_read from sys.WRH$_SQLSTAT wr, gv$instance i where SNAP_ID <= &end_snap and snap_id >= &begin_snap and wr.INSTANCE_NUMBER = i.INSTANCE_NUMBER and i.instance_number = &instance_number group by PARSING_SCHEMA_NAME, wr.INSTANCE_NUMBER, sql_id) a, (SELECT round(SUM(CPU_TIME_DELTA) / 1000000, 2) sum_time, SUM(BUFFER_GETS_DELTA) sum_buffer, sum(DISK_READS_DELTA) sum_disk FROM sys.WRH$_SQLSTAT wr, gv$instance i where SNAP_ID <= &end_snap and snap_id >= &begin_snap and wr.INSTANCE_NUMBER = i.INSTANCE_NUMBER and i.instance_number = &instance_number) b, v$sqlarea c, dba_hist_snapshot d where a.execs > 0 and a.sql_id = c.sql_id and a.PARSING_SCHEMA_NAME <> 'SYS' and d.snap_id = &end_snap order by cpu消耗时间 desc) res where rownum < 41; exit</span>

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