Posted in Javascript onFebruary 05, 2017
<!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en"> <head> <meta charset="UTF-8"> <title>js-手机发送短信倒计时</title> <style> button{ width: 100px; height: 30px; border: none; } input{ outline: none; } </style> <script> window.onload = function(){ function $(id){ return document.getElementById(id); } $('btn').onclick = function(){ clearInterval(timer); //清除计时器 var that = this; that.disabled = true; var count = 5; var timer = setInterval(function(){ if(count>0){ count--; that.innerHTML = "剩余时间"+ count +"s"; }else{ that.innerHTML ="重新发送短信"; that.disabled = false; clearInterval(timer); //清除计时器 } },1000); } } </script> </head> <body> <div class="box"> <input type="text" id="txt"> <button id="btn" >点击发送短信</button> </div> </body> </html>
或者使用setTimeout来模拟,一般情况下,还是推荐使用setTimeout,更安全一些。当使用setInterval(fn,1000)时,程序是间隔1s执行一次,但是每次程序执行是需要3s,那么就要等程序执行完才能执行下一次,即实际间隔时间为(间隔时间和程序执行时间两者的最大值)。而setTimeout(fn,1000),代表的是,延迟1s再执行程序,且仅执行一次。每次程序执行是需要3s,所以实际时间为 1s+3s=4s。可以使用setTimeout递归调用来模拟setInterval。
<script> window.onload = function(){ function $(id){ return document.getElementById(id); } $('btn').onclick = function(){ var that = this; that.disabled = true; var count = 5; var timer = setTimeout(fn,1000); function fn(){ count--; if(count>0){ that.innerHTML = "剩余时间"+ count +"s"; setTimeout(fn,1000); }else{ that.innerHTML ="重新发送短信"; that.disabled = false; } } } } </script>
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