后台:ASP (VBScript )
前台:HTML + JavaScript
<script src="myjs.js"></script> <form name=frmUserInfo action="saveInfo.asp" method=post> <table> <tr> <td>Name:<input id=txtName name=Name></td> <td>Sex:<input id=txtSex name=Sex></td> </tr> </table> <br> <table id=tabUserInfo border=1> <tr> <td>Project name:</td> <td>Befre description:</td> <td>Begin date:</td> <td>Finished date:</td> <td>Delete</td> </tr> <tr style="display:none" id=trUserInfo> <td id=tdUserInfo><input id=txtPName name=ProjectName></td> <td id=tdUserInfo><input id=txtDesc name=Desc></td> <td id=tdUserInfo><input id=txtBDate name=BDate></td> <td id=tdUserInfo><input id=txtFDate name=FDate></td> <td id=tdUserInfo><img alt="Delete" onclick="deleteRow(document.all.tabUserInfo,1,this)"></td> </tr> <tr> <td><input type=button value="Add" onclick="addRow(document.all.tabUserInfo,null,1,1)"></td> </tr> </table> <table> <tr><td><input type=submit value=Submit><input type=reset></td></tr> </table> </form>
/**//*This function is use to add one row dynamicly * tabObj : Target table * colNum: The number of columns that of a row in table * sorPos: The source of the new row. * targPos: The position where the new row will be added. * */ function addRow(tabObj,colNum,sorPos,targPos)...{ var nTR = tabObj.insertRow(tabObj.rows.length-targPos); // Insert a new row into appointed table on the //appointed position. var TRs = tabObj.getElementsByTagName('TR'); // Get TRs collection from the appointed table var sorTR = TRs[sorPos]; // Positioned the sorTR var TDs = sorTR.getElementsByTagName('TD'); // Get TDs collection from the appointed row if(colNum==0 || colNum==undefined || colNum==isNaN)...{ colNum=tabObj.rows[0].cells.length; } var ntd = new Array(); // Create a new TDs array for(var i=0; i< colNum; i++)...{ // Traverl the TDs in row ntd[i] = nTR.insertCell(); // Create new cell ntd[i].id = TDs[0].id; // copy the TD's id to new cell. | Attention! The TDs's //suffix must be appointed ntd[i].innerHTML = TDs[i].innerHTML; // copy the value in ntd[i]'s innerHTML from corresponding TDs } } /**//* This function is use to remove appointed row in appointed table * tabObj: the appointed table * targPos: target row position * btnObj: currently clicked delete image button * */ function deleteRow(tabObj,targPos,btnObj)...{ //Remove table row for(var i =0; i<tabObj.rows.length;i++)...{ if(tabObj.getElementsByTagName('img')[i]==btnObj)...{ tabObj.deleteRow(i+targPos); } } }
上面的代码有一个要注意的地方,那就是原始行 <tr style="display:none" id=trUserInfo>,我们设置了样式为Display:none,这是因为,下面js中添加行采用的是newTD.innerHTML = sourceTD.innerHTML的方式,即直接把已经存在的列中的内容直接复制到新添加的列的innerHTML属性中,所以隐藏“数据源“列被防止用户删除而出现"Object excepted" 错误。
VBScript 代码:
<% '###### Begin Transcation ##### conn.beginTrans ' Start a transaction sql = "insert into UserInfo(username,sex) values(" sql=sql&"'"& request("Name") &"'," sql=sql&"'"& request("Sex") &"')" Response.Write sql&"<p>" conn.execute(sql) if request("ProjectName").count>0 then dim maxid maxid = 1 sql = "select max(id) as maxid from UserInfo" set rs = conn.execute(sql) maxid = rs("maxid") rs.close set rs = nothing for i =1 to request("ProjectName").count sql = "insert into ProjectInfo(uid,pname,pdesc,bdate,fdate) values(" sql=sql&""& maxid &"," sql=sql&"'"& request("ProjectName")(i) &"'," sql=sql&"'"& request("Desc")(i) &"'," sql=sql&"'"& request("BDate")(i) &"'," sql=sql&"'"& request("FDate")(i) &"')" Response.Write " "&sql&"<br>" conn.execute(sql) next end if if conn.Errors.count > 0 then ' If occus any error in the transaction , roll back transcation conn.RollBackTrans else ' If not error, commit the transcation conn.commitTrans end if conn.close set conn = nothing %>
获取多数据的方法是调用request("").count,以count的数目来确定要往主表插入的子表纪录次数。 由于数据操作次数不确定,为了防止在执行数据库操作时发生异常,造成数据不一致。我们采用用事务管理。事务管理具有:原子性,一致性,等特点。可以保证数据安全。我们在数据库操作开始的时候调用conn.beginTrans打开一个事务,在数据操作结束时,用conn.Errors.count来判断在事务期间是否有错误发生,如果发生错误或异常就conn.RollBackTrans回滚。否则提交事务,完成数据库操作。
图一 :进入填写数据页面,点击Add按钮,添加一行,到图二
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